Small things and a poem

Like Kevin Drum, I find it interesting how much conservatives dwell on ACORN and the emails from CRU. In the scheme of things these are both small things: ACORN represents and works for the poor and has little real sway in politics, while the CRU emails might show some pretty bad things about these individuals but does nothing to change the argument about climate change since it’s only one part of a large body of evidence.  Perhaps that’s the point. You see, if you want to pick a scapegoat, you don’t want someone that can fight back.

In that vein, here are a couple of nice pictures from NASA (the credit for both is also NASA).

The first is a picture of the shuttle Atlantis, taken from the space station,  in the blackness of space looking small:

The second shows the very thin line of Earth’s atmosphere as the sun rises (also taken from the space station):

And since it’s Friday, here’s a poem:

Oblivion I hear you
Everything I say
Everything I write
Is meant for you
And if it makes it not
To you tonight
You will not long
To wait.

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