The US had said that they were against the coup in Honduras, but they aren’t showing they care all that much. It is now less than two weeks until the election, Zelaya is still not back in power, and yet the US is hinting that they will support the election. This type of show is good enough for the US:

Roberto Micheletti, who seized power after a June military coup toppled President Manuel Zelaya, said in a televised address Thursday he might give up his duties between November 25 and December 2.

“We welcome that he is going to take a leave of absence and expect its prompt implementation. This will allow some breathing space for the process in Honduras to go forward,” State Department spokesman Robert Wood told a news briefing.

And it’s obviously just a show:

Micheletti said he will consult with “representatives of diverse sectors of Honduran society” before stepping down. The acting leader said he reserves the right to resume his post at any time during the planned absence if the Central American nation’s national security is threatened.

In other words, he will still keep all of his powers he’ll just not show himself. Also, the congress won’t vote on whether to reinstate Zelaya until December 2–after the election–which means the coup leaders will control the election during the vote. Only someone looking for political cover would think this will be a legitimate election. It looks like that’s what the Obama wants.

Enceladus’ plume and a poem

To get a better of what is in the plume that’s spews out of Saturn’s moon Enceladus (it’s known to contain water vapor, sodium, and organic molecules), they sent Cassini through it on November 2, 2009. Here’s a picture of the plume (Image Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute–click on it to see it better):

And since today is Friday, a poem (there might not be a poem next week):

What should I do
Run ragged to the world
Grasp a pearl in my hand
Or feign indifference?