Lis Hartel

I read the obituaries because you find people who have done amazing things that you’ve never heard of. A case in point is Lis Hartel who died on February 12. She won two silver medals in the equestrian sport of dressage in 1952 and 1956 (she also won the world championship in 1954). What makes this impressive is: 1952 was the first year that women were allowed to compete (against men, it was also the first time that civilians were allowed) and she was paralyzed from the knees down (and also had problems with her arms and hands) as a result of a case of polio years earlier. Here she is on the medal stand in Helsinki:


The profile also included the interesting fact that she won the medal in Stockholm during the 1956 Melbourne Olympics–because of strict quarantine laws in Australia, the equestrian events were held five months earlier in Sweden.

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